Tuesday, May 26, 2009

website shutdown3

if u try to go to www.charantyastore.com, they are changing their statement from

this..... (26/5/09)

charantyastore.com. has not paid for the Hosting and Domain"detect improper and inadvisable client relationships"Domain Names for Sale.charantyastore.com for RM 600.00Email: forwhat84@yahoo.com charantyastore.com for sale.

to this....(27/5/09)

charantyastore.com. closed: Unpaid for the Hosting and Domain
"detect improper and inadvisable client relationships"
Beware: Please do be alert if you're dealing with the previous owner of this shop.
Disgrace business attitude since year 2008. Kindly note.
Domain Names, Server, SEO Ratings & Design for Sale.
charantyastore.com for RM 600.00
Email: forwhat84@yahoo.com
For our honorable clients:
Thank you for your great support.
We're always glad to help extend extra time (up to 30 working days) for any client whom needed it, however please excuse us, we can't deal with people in favor of bad business attitude. It's NEVER about money but moral values.
This is our first time dealing with this type of case since year 2002.
Do keep in mind to protect your online business from backstabbers.
We're deeply sorry for your trouble. Million thanks!
Need proofs & details?: Kindly email the above email.Thx.

want to know the reason behind it.... read my entry on website shutdown1 and website shutdown2. judge for urself.


Fauziah said...

so apa citer? siannyer u... tak sangka ek jadi mcm nih.

Aishah Megahasz said...

Shida, apa citer sekarang?

Ada award+tag untuk Shida di blog Aishah. Ambil ye...

Riez said...

salam kak..sabar yek..im sad too..sbb sy kan slalu beli kt online shop akak...pasni ape jd kak?

Sarah Ibrahim said...

akak, relek akak, org teraniaya doadimakbulkan.

Saya doa akak berjaya dunia akhirat.

bagus akka buat macam ni, supaya org lain x kena tipu.