Sunday, April 27, 2008

my DH role in cloth diapering

my DH is very helpful when it comes to household chores.

he dont mind doing it bcoz he want me to entertain our baby.

fyi, anis is very very manja baby. whenever im at home, she wont stick to other people even to her daddy.

he is very helpful in management of cd. he prewash the soiled diaper, then toss it into washing machine... spin it to dry, then hang it on the clothline, then will put the insert into the pocket cd.

to my DH, i wanna to say thank u very much in supporting me to cloth diapering our baby (he support me to bf as well).i love u very much.

my clothline

Ive been using cloth diaper since april 2007.

Its been 1 year, same age with anis.

During confinement, i used flat gauze traditional lampin.

After confinement, and im ready to get back to work, i start cloth diapering anis.

But the main problem when i use cloth diaper is my clothline.

Since i live in an apartment aka flat... i dont have a proper clothline esp to get direct sunlight.

This is my first clothline. i used it to dry my cloth diaper but with minimal sunlight it cant bleach out anis poo poo stain on cd. After few monts of thinking n thinking, i came out with a solution.

Outside of my window, there are awning. it prevent from heavy rain to get into my house. So, i put a nylon string to the awning and attach it to my new clothline. The new clothline made from a thick wire. They also comes in plastic version, but for durability, i choose this one.

im very happy with my new clothline. it get direct sunlight.... also got strong wind as i lived at 8th floor.

so my cd dry faster and it bleach out anis poo poo stain on cd. even in rain, my cd is not wet bcoz there is awning to protect my cd. before going to work, i will put my cd to the clothline and ill be going to work with peace of mind. no worries anymore.

so it is possible and practical to mommies who lived in apartment/condo/flat to use cd on their baby.


sebelum kawin saya tak tau apa itu ANIME

bila dah kawin.... dpt asben yg minat tengok anime.

saya pun terpengaruh. bukan setakat tengok je..... siap beli figura dia.

yg paling best... semestinya gundam.

ni first collection yg saya ada. saya suka model yg comel macam ni.

penang...home sweet home.

my hubby is driving

lena sungguh anis


hari ni kami balik ke penang(coz saya confinement di hometown, gombak)

balik awal skit coz asben bz pd minggu yg akan dtg.

sepanjang perjalanan, rasa sgt nervous coz teringat je kat eksiden ngeri di tol hutan kampung.

semoga Allah melindungi dan mempermudahkan segala urusan kami.

syukur kpd Allah, akhirnya kami sampai dgn selamat.

anis pun ok sepanjang perjalanan... nyenyak tdo dlm carseatnya

my ebm collection

koleksi susu perahan dah memenuhi ruang peti beku. dah tak tau mana nak letak....

mak pun offer nak bli pti ais baru. lagipun peti ais lama dah lamaaaa sgt. dah sebaya ngan adik saya yang tingkatan 4.

isi dalam bekas dadih.... nampak pun mcm dadih... hehehe

Insya Allah, saya nak menyusukan anis dengan susu badan sehingga semaksima mungkin ( 2 tahun kot...), tak nak campur ngan susu formula

up close with miss photogenic

ni koleksi gambar anis ....

anis pandai gak beraksi depan kamera....miss fotogenik

hehehe... memandai jer. actually dalam usia 3 minggu anis dah bleh melihat dgn jelas. kalau saya pegang kamera depan muka anis.... dia akan tenung kamera tu... tak berkelip matanya

heran kot.... amendela yg maknyer pegang nih. tak pernah nampak pun masa dok dlm perut dulu

lasaknye anis tidur

mula mula ok jer....

after 10 min, dah jadi macam ni.

saya suka amik gambar masa anis tengah tdo.

cute sgt terutamanya time dia tgh lasak tdo.

letak elok2 kat tgh2 tilam.... beberapa minit kemudian bermulalah sesi kuak kupu kupunya

lasak.... apa la anis ni... pompuan mana bleh tdo lasak... kena ayu skit... tapi nih menurun dari maknyer ler... maknyer lagi lasak... pernah sampai terjatuh dari katil... hahahahaha


anis safiya.... sejak lahir memang kuat sedu. hik...hik...hik...

kadang2 slow jer... tak risau sgt. kadang2 kuat sungguh, macam sedu orang dewasa. kesian... macam tak cukup nafas.

tapi mak kata tak payah risau... sedu tu tandanya anis nak cepat besar...

ye ker?? ye kot... petua/nasihat org tua2, kalau baby sedu, letakkan cebisan tisu/kertas/benang yang dibasahkan dgn air... then letak kat atas dahi.

memula tu tak buat, rasa macam mengarut dan tak logik je..

tapi, buat jugak sebab mak dah bising... ... berkesan jugak yer... hilang sedunya

hehehehhe... anis... anis....

Familiy in Law

family in law datang ziarah kami di gombak.

abah telepon saya bgtau tak dpt dtg tengok anis sbb mak tak berapa sihat

saya pun ok je sbb kesian gak kat diorg... all d way dr perlis ke kl semata-mata nak tengok cucu sulong

abis je sembang kat tlepon.... 5 minit lps tuh.... muncul kat dpn umah... terkezut kami... tak prepare ape pun. hidang air je... biskut dah abis saya mkn... org tgh berpantang.... tu je la makanannya

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Happy Birthday Anis

wah.... today 24 april 2007, at 9.35 am... genap umor anis setahun.

anis dah pandai berjalan right now. im sooo excited.

genap setahun saya breastfeed anis.congratulations to myself...

anis pun memang suka her comfort pacifier.

semoga anis jadi anak yg baik......... saaaaayaaaaaanggggggg anis


Saturday, April 19, 2008

cukur rambut

hari ke 7, rambut anis yg hitam lebat dicukur. tak wat majlis ape pun.......... wat simple2 je. tak berani nak cukur sendiri... so saya mintak tolong makcik tukang urut cukurkan rambut anis.

anis safiya selamat dilahirkan

anis safiya, puteri sulong kami
selamat dilahirkan pada 24 april 2007 jam 9.35 pg di hosp k.lumpur. syukur pada Allah semuanya selamat. berat semasa lahir 2.99kg air ketuban pecah dirumah jam 8 pagi. kelam kabut mak dan asben bersiap nak hantar saya ke hospital. mujurlah jalan tak jam. kalau tak memang dah beranak dlm kereta la nampaknye hari ke 2 dah boleh balik ke rumah. seronoknyer...


its been long time that i didnt update my blog.

the reason? im not good at expressing emotion into writing (thats why i hate to make karangan/composotion during school days)... even emels....hahaha

but im good at expressing emotion thru ym, cbox, phone conversation, face to face discussion... u named it

before i start blogging, ive used fotopages n frenster. i will no longer maintain those 2 medium coz of my time constraint.

so i will exported my old posting in frenster n fotopages into this blog.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

ring sling

ring sling is easy to recognized coz it has 2 rings as buckles to tie the other end of cloth.

the rings is made specially to be used for slings coz it can carry weight up to 200kg. it doesnt mean that we should wear slings up to that weight. is just an example to show how sturdy those rings. good rings has no obvious rattan/rotan has obvious joints. for newborn should be ok,but as baby grows,it is not advisable to use that rings. the rings also comes in many size... depends on what type of fabric to be use as sling.rings can be made from metal or nylon.

the fabric is comes in wide variety.... any fabric will do. but again it depends to weather. there most common is cotton and silk. i think cotton is the best coz it not so hot for our climate and less slippery. silk is nice coz it soft and less bulky but when carry heavy baby/toddler... it tends to slippery.

the most important part to look at ring sling is the shoulder pleats. if it heavily padded.... it can lead to bulkiness issue and uncomfortable to the wearer. ive xperience with this kind of shoulder pleats. i dun like it and initially it makes me hate my ring sling.the shoulder part should be spread out like wearing pouch sling. i loved the idea of jan andrea regarding overlapping pleats

who says u must buy those expensive ring sling in order to wearing ur baby? in my frugaliving tips (not mine actually,coz i learn it from other people as well...LOL), u just need a pair of sling rings (a pair of nylon rings only cost u rm4) and a pieces of long cloth... 2 meter should be good enuf. u can buy sweet cotton print cloth at kamdar... (about rm8 per metre) or just use those kain batik that u buy from langkawi or pasar malam... hehehe

check out this link for further info/guidace on how to do no-sew sling

jans andrea




for full guidance on how to wear ur baby in ringsling, regardless in any position... check out at zolowear


Friday, March 28, 2008

types of bbwearing

there are many types of babywearing. u can find the info from these good website.


wear ur baby

jess blog

malaysian bbwearing group on facebook

but i will simplified it for benefit of newbie in bbwearing.

there many types of bbwearing. but not all of this type are available in malaysia.

ring sling

pouch sling

asian baby carrier (abc): mei tai, poedaegi,onbuhimo,dakkohimo

simple piece of cloth(spoc):wrap, shawl,pareo,sarong

soft structured carrier (ssc) :ergo baby carrier

Monday, March 24, 2008

i miss her very much

dear anis... mummy cannot concentrate to work right now... suddenly i miss u so much. hope u r fine at nursery today...

Sunday, March 23, 2008


im in love with bbwearing right now. its a new adventorous after breastfeeding and cloth diapering.

i start bbwearing since my bb 1 mo. my first sling is regin ring sling. but use very seldom esp during outing coz i dun like the ring and i dunno how to adjust. but at home i always use it as anis love to cling with me... i will breastfeed her in the sling and she will fell asleep in there.
with the sling, it makes me easy to carry anis.

then i know about pouch sling... i buy Littlepods pouch sling. really loved it. but i haved it in wrong sized. im not sure coz according to the measurement chart , i should wear s size... but end up... i cant put anis into the pouch... very ketat. i try to exchange the size with littlepods owner but very dissapointed coz she not entertain my request very well... she insisted me to wear that s size....sigh... to me...its a very bad customer service.

luckily, from one forum, there are one mommies who want to sell her m size littlepods pouch sling coz its too big for her. so, i take this oppurtunity to exchange my sling with her....

after i get the m size fit very wel with me and anis. we enjoy our bonding time ever. just like breastfeeding, sling also is usefull anytime... anywhere.

then i get to know jess who are so passion to promote bbwearing awareness in malaysia. luckily shes in penang and i can join her bbwearing workshop to learn more about bbwearing types.

shes making a very good pouch sling too... im tempting to get one too.... eying for wrapping coz with wrap... it distributed bb weight very well. even it looks complicated, with practise... all become easy.

me and anis at my bro wedding...

demonstrate to emily on how to wrapping my anis.

my first attemp on wrapping with jess help.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

anis and wedding ceremony

this is first time anis attend/involving in weeding ceremony.

before this we only attend to eat nasik minyak only... but now we have to prepare everything... from the pelamin to the food...

im very happy as some of my virtual/siber frens able to coming. before this we only contact thru a forum.... support each other about breastfeeding journey.

anis also very happy as she can make new frens...

next batch of my bro/sis wedding would be another 7 years... hahaha... school come first.

anis and luqman

anis and qistina

sweet picture of me and anis

my brothers wedding...

saril and liza

apis and wawa

last week was a hectic day for my family...
its my brothers wedding ceremony.

but everything went fine...